عن واقع المقاربة الأمنية بالوطن العربي
May 5, 2018
The wisdom Behind Fasting Ramadan
May 20, 2018


Most of people look forward to getting a high status to be admired and respected and attract attention inside their community. Power can be tempting but deceitful.

There was a famous official who was known for his strong personality and stern manners. His orders were obeyed and no one dared argue his views.

He occupied the position of the minister of the interior for many years and was elected the leader of his political party for  several mandates and he followed a military hierarchy to get control of all details. He combined between power and wealth but he was always thirsty for glory and more achievements. His selfishness and ego made him believe that his power would last for good.

A few months after retirement, he got sick and stayed in bed for few years. His big home became deserted and seldom when the bell rang. It seemed that all people who used to come asking his favours forgot the address or found another one. He lived alone with two servants who were looking after him. His two sons emigrated and never paid him a visit or even asked after him.

Every night he suffered from insomnia and when it happened to him to fall asleep, he saw a terrible nightmare : a horrible face visited him and said : « I am your conscience that you assassinated years ago. I was reborn again and I was told to be your company during your short sleep journey. I will tell you stories from your previous past and remind you of your crimes and the lives you spoilt to make  your sleep more tasty. Don’t worry! You will never be alone. I am your awakened past that will serve your present and future ».

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