The Well
April 8, 2019
With all due respect
April 8, 2019

The first love is never the last

“I know that what I will say will hurt you but I am forced to bitterly utter these words”, Jasmine said avoiding all possible eyes contact and with some reluctant trembling tone.
She went on: “We have to break up. Our project can’t go further. I took this decision because I love you and I can’t stand seeing you suffering for me.”
Adam kept still and speechless and didn’t say a word.
“We can’t make our dream true. Each one of us is hardly struggling to earn a decent living and the cost of life became unbearable. We must be realistic and take this rational decision”. She explained.
Adam stood as a stone and tried to collect himself and said in a tone overcome by surprise and shock: “why? You know well how I love you and ready to devote my very soul to you! I need just more time to improve the situation. I am struggling hard to thrive. I can’t blame myself if life conditions are getting tough since I didn’t give in.”
She burst into tears and said:
“I have had enough. I believe in facts not assumption. Time goes by and our situation has only worsened. We have been engaged for a long time and I can’t bear the situation anymore.”

“Is there anyone else in your life?”, Adam asked abruptly.
“Absolutely no! and I won’t love anyone else. I will follow my mind not my heart!”, she answered while crying.
“Are you really aware of what you are doing?”, Adam went on.
“yes”. She tried to be strict and rigid. No room for emotions anymore.

He couldn’t believe what he heard. His soft angel turned to a cruel evil. That glowing flower lost its brightness and looked like a thorn without odor or colour. His tears were going to flow but he couldn’t do it in front of her. Tears were interpreted for weakness in such circumstances. She was used to seeing him strong and resolved and he wouldn’t collapse.
Adam went through a horrible month after the so called turning point in his life and couldn’t get rid of insomnia at night. He was usually absent minded and her face didn’t quit his mind. In truth, he tried to forget her but his mind still carried some heavy memories he couldn’t escape.

His best friend David did his best to lift his morals and made him able to assimilate the coming days.
“you should forget her and look ahead. It was an experience and you ought to dismiss all the negative thoughts.” David said.

“I have tried but I can’t. It is not easy and my life was a complete fiasco”, Adam tried to articulate his feelings even though his friend was well conscious of everything.

”Don’t be silly and care for yourself and your parents and your friends. Care for all those who love you and they are many. Don’t keep focused on one person who isn’t worth your love and sacrifice. Besides, she was free to decide her future and she did and you have to admit that. Maybe she was forced to take that decision and there was something she didn’t want to reveal”, said David firmly and sensibly.

Adam glanced at his interlocutor and chose silence. Maybe what David said was true and needed some reflection and consideration.

Adam was looking for some recovery. He tried to escape his thoughts but in the end he decided to face his fate with audacity. He was never a coward and he didn’t admit his defeat. He dedicated himself more to his work and shaped new ambitions. He used to set up his goals on the basis of two actors, but now there was only one and he was that very sole actor. He had to attain his goals and prove himself. No room for doubts anymore. He had been hurt badly and now he grew resolved to prove that he would be able to afford a decent life for a family.

Adam was working for a small company as a simple employee. Although the job didn’t fit his MBA degree, he devoted himself to the job in order to gain experience and stay faithful to his personal convictions. Financially he hardly satisfied his personal needs and helps his mother who lived on the pension she used to receive after her husband passed away. He could save a small sum of money he spent on books and he was full of enthusiasm and tenacity.

Adam kept on striving and reading books in his little free time. In fact, reading was his refuge from negative and pessimistic thoughts. It inspired him and helped him to find solutions and create ideas.

He encountered many women and whenever a likely love story might take place, he stood reluctant and turned his back on it and deemed any new experience as a simple refuge to flee his first unsuccessful experience. Talking to his friend one afternoon, Adam admitted that he couldn’t put aside his memories but at least he reviewed his objectives.
“I have to get a good job and improve my social status and make money then start another love story adventure”
His friend said to him: ”but don’t forget that as long as you are following the path of success, you are also aging”.
Then Adam assured him with remarkable assertiveness: “I am aware of that and won’t look behind and my goals are set for the medium term!”
David was going to argue but he saw a fire burning in the eyes of his friend and he felt an inner growing strength that left no room to disagree.

After two years, Adam got a new job in a newspaper after he had applied to many. He passed his interview successfully and succeeded to sell himself well. Besides his degree in linguistics, he had developed a wide knowledge and some respectable experience and overcome some of his weaknesses.

He started his second job as a journalist and he enjoyed his new journey in the media. He doubled his effort in order to seize this opportunity and he dedicated himself to journalism. After writing many articles, he imposed his name in the newspaper and worked also in translation as a freelancer.

His income improved and even his way of thinking became more open and mature. He was lucky to work under the supervision of a distinguished editor who helped him to learn the job and sharpen his skills. Adam grew more enthusiastic and self-confident as he was digging the secrets of success.

Soon Adam came across his future wife while his mother was under Intensive care. She was among the medical staff that helped and saved his mother and paved the way to her recovery. Adam was attracted to her faithfulness to her job and kindness to her patients while she loved his charisma and eloquence. She listened to her heart and he followed his mind, but the combination succeeded and his love grew stronger after marriage.

Adam became a famous columnist and gained the consideration and attention of a considerable number of readers. He also published many books and broadcast a programme on tv. He never felt conceited or selfish. He kept walking on the same path of success: hard work, optimism and modesty.

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