صناعة المفكرين
July 4, 2016
Would rather
July 13, 2016

Would like

The expression “Would like” can be used in communication for two basic purposes: to make request / offer / invitation or express some wishes.

Form: Would like + full infinitive

Short form: ‘d like + full infinitive

Concerning requests, the use of “would like” seems more polite and softer for the receiver. (“Want” doesn’t imply politeness in its use in comparison to “would like”).

Examples: – I would like some coffee, please!

– I want some coffee, please!

While making an offer, “Would you like” is more helpful and polite. It implies some readiness and willingness to satisfy the needs (wishes) of the other person. That’s why in the marketing world we notice the excessive use of “would you like”rather than “Do you want”.

Note: To answer an offer or invitation,it’s not advisable to use “wouldn’t like” because it seems impolite. There are many alternatives such as: “No, thanks” or “I am afraid …..”.


For the second purpose, we can express our wishes by using “would like” or “want”. Although they have the same meaning, “want” implies more confidence and strength.


“Would like” can be used in the past context but with a different form:

Would like + to have + past participle

This form expresses some unrealized wish.

Example: I would like to have fulfilled all my dreams.

Good luck!


  1. soukaina says:

    thank you Mr Aziz 🙂 it’s very interesting

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