We are aware of the challenge that lies ahead although we sometimes try to deny our share of responsibility and easily tend to blame the others.
No need to say that the human capital stands at the core of the global development since it presents the pivot of its mobility and forges the future of the country as awhole that’s why it requires priority and some sensitive care and huge efforts. Every citizen is undoubtedly invited to participate in the fulfillment of the ambition of development, but with the suitable qualification and repertoire to be able to overcome setbacks and assume one’s duties.
In fact, the process of building a balanced personality requires some sustainable work that focuses on the personal way of thinking which directs our acts and behaviour and shapes the future we are looking for , gets everything clear, and turns the ambiguous to obvious.
We always try to think well, make good decisions, react well and keep abreast of what is happening around us. However, this goal appears to be too complicated to reach when we take into account the countless inputs that impact our way of thinking. Indeed, We are the common target of many influences such as: human instincts, preconception, presumptions, environment, mass media, and formal and informal education. In essence, we seem to be the outcome of a long historical development inside a typical environment. One can obviously ask the following questions: to what extent is the one independent? How to relatively free oneself from all the arsenal of external and internal influences?
Unluckily, we believe in a set of certainties and we don’t show any readiness to discuss them or even take a hint of time to think of their meanings. We are slaves of their authority because of their irrefutable and sacred credibility.
We are used to welcoming ready answers, and comforting thought but we abhor what induces us to use our mind , ask questions and shake our certainties. We waver or even refuse to know the truth because it’s usually shocking and hires a revolutionary quality. It brings about headache and insomnia and calls for movement and stamina. As a result, we grew more arrogant, stubborn, close minded, and dramatically ignorant. We opt to the autocracy of opinion, tutorship and domination and obviously pave the way to extremism , stagnation and violence. We, unintentionally, put ourselves in a gloomy blackness isolated from the light of knowledge and science.
How to Lead oneself out of darkness?
We have to admit our weakness and look for the suitable cure to handle its aftermath. Indeed, truth stays relative that’s why the door is always open to research, different opinions, creation, and tolerance. Such a way of thinking grows with courage, open mindedness, modesty and stamina. Moreover, defying the authority of our certainties lets the one acquire some solid critical thinking and shape an independent personality qualified to handle the challenge, get rid of illusion and see the reality as it is, break the chains of utopia, deal rationally with our cultural inheritance, assert one’s control on one’s theoretical paradigms and conceptions, and reject all temptations of populism and reach the depths of knowledge.