تأملات في سلطة فكر الماضي على حاضر ومستقبل الوطن العربي
April 15, 2018
Cultural alienation and loss of identity
April 25, 2018


A carpenter decided to bring his cousin from the countryside to the city so that he can save him from poverty and teach him a job and hand down the art of carpentry he received from his grandparents in addition to making him able to earn his own living.

The very young cousin was welcomed to his uncle’s family and treated as one of its members.

He started as an apprentice and acquired the basic skills of carpentry quickly. After few years of dedication and self- discipline, the master relied on him to accomplish some heavy tasks and encouraged him to do his best and improve his skills. He taught him the basics of the job as creation and fantasy more than a handy daily work and always advised him to take his time and avoid any kind of haste.

Unluckily, the apprentice started to show some rebellious behaviour towards his master teachings. He even got acquainted secretly to other masters and worked for them. He is a carpenter by trade now and he feels able to make money, and therefore, it is , unquestionably, the suitable moment to leave his master and his home.

He left behind everything and set off a new journey with new more tempting people who opened the door of wealth to him.

However, his master tried to warn him but they had a sharp argument about his new choice.

The heart of the young carpenter became filled with hatred and envy towards his master and he said he wasn’t ready to remember his unbearable days of orders and censorship in that jail. He denied his help and he attempted to make him infamous.

He set up his own company and expanded his basic activity to others. He became more determined to double his profit and open new perspectives to his young company in a short term. He applied for loans and deepened his dealings with the bank and grew more self confident and pushy.

His adventure in the world of business and affairs didn’t last for long because of the losses he accumulated and eventually was declared bankrupt. The temptation of quick money sent him to jail.

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