دعاة يدَّعون الدعوة إلى الله
April 8, 2016
ثقافة الجحود ونكران الجميل
April 12, 2016

Why should I believe in God?

From one’s birthday to death, one can’t stop asking many worrying questions during one’s short journey in life such as Why I am alive ? Who is my Creator ? What will happen after my death ? can one perceive life as a set of periodic events ?Is there any supernatural force that regulates life on the earth ?

By all means people have the right to choose their beliefs and religions following their own convictions, but the purpose, despite this diversity, remains the same : the absolute truth of the existence of one God to obey and ask his guidance and forgiveness. This God engulfs all powers, senses, inspiration and truths.

On the other hand some of us don’t see the necessity of God and deny any divine wisdom behind the creation of the world. Is it a sensible denial based on reasonable arguments? or is it just a reflection of one’s ignorance and arrogance ?

To answer these questions, there are some questions to wonder about. Why I am alive ? What is our mission during this journey? Science has realized many breakthroughs and the door is open to more challenges and mysteries, hence who stands behind this limitless knowledge?

Do we have to live and do whatever we want without facing an account audit for judgement after death ? Whenever there is a choice, there is a responsibility to assume.

Who stands behind the creation and elaboration of our languages and the meaning of words ?

How about the synchronization of many concepts combinations : life / death, good / bad, happiness / sadness, punishment / forgiveness, knowledge / ignorance, darkness / light, etc. Isn’t there a divine force that addresses our minds to be aware of its real existence?

The list of questions remains endless such as the case for the arguments!

If I deny God’s supremacy I am lost, without identity and there is no meaning for my own existence.

Opting to a religion is a choice, but can be opting to atheism still perceived as a choice?

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