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The basic steps of learning a language: English as an example

The passion of learning a language “Pick up your rose from the field of thorns”

Many people wonder about the easiest way to learn English. From my modest experience I can state that there is no spell to reveal. Learning the language requires hard work and dedication from the learner. However, this hard work can be regulated by numerous tips.

Among them I can highlight the following basics:

  • Show your love to the language.

First you should force yourself to get used to studying the language.

Set aside enough time to the study . This habit will turn into a passion and eventually eternal love.

In fact, this kind of love seems to be as a process of hard and continuous work that requires efforts, persistence and self – motivation. « Love », here, is a static verb that is boosted by a dynamic verb « work »

This kind of love is to be acquired not received. No pain no gain.

  • Read a lot: The qualitative comes from the quantitative.

Read as much as you can. You will develop a selective reading approach after reading countless of books.

Reading is the best way for brushing up your language. Start from a lower level and take enough time to read any book. The purpose isn’t to finish reading the book but  acquire knowledge. Reread the book after a while, then you can select books from the fields that attract you more.

A tenacious beginner (reader) is the very project of an avid reader.

  • Develop your own approach of Learning

This phase emanates from a vision about what you are learning.

Whenever you face a new piece of information or rule, keep asking the question « how » and « why » instead of  « what  » use your predictions and intuition before looking for the answer.

Avoid a whole dependence on learning by heart, use your mind instead. Learning by heart keeps you attached to the past while using your mind open new perspectives for the present and future.

Be aware of the fact that you are teaching yourself, therefore you are developing another approach of teaching via your learning approach.

Getting a vision seems to be a decisive phase in the learning process.

  • Memorize what you learn by writing.

While working keep taking notes by writing and don’t rely on your memory alone. Don’t be too self-confident and get the habit of writing any interesting piece of information you encounter during your reading journey . Writing helps the learner memorize information well.

By all means there is a set of entertainment means to use such as music and movies but this kind of use requires an excessive seriousness and prudence.

Learning a language helps the one:

  • develop one’s cognitive reserves,

  • find out one’s ignorance and open new perspectives,

  • be open-minded and flexible,

  • develop a high agility level,

  • keep one’s brain young and active,

  • face one’s worries and fears with more courage and wisdom, etc.


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